Frequently Asked Questions

+ What Grade Level do we register according to?

Campers should register according to their grade for September 2021. In other words you should register according to the grade your child will be going into and not the one they are currently in.

+ Do you make any exceptions for camp Grade Levels?

We do sometimes make exceptions to allow campers into a camp at a different Grade level. You will need to call or email us to discuss possible arrangements.

+ How likely is it for my child to be in a cabin with their friend that they requested on the registration form?

Kingswood tries to make each camper’s time at camp as enjoyable and memorable as possible. If both your child and their friend or sibling requested each other (mutual consent) to be in the same cabin we can guarantee this arrangement. Multiple cabin requests with a group of friends are difficult to accommodate. There will be plenty of time and opportunities for campers to hang out with their friends even if they aren't in the same cabin.

+ Are there any discounts for registration fees?

There is a sibling discount of $50 for every additional sibling who attends camp. And a refer a friend discount of $50 if you tell someone new to Kingswood about camp and they register! Plan B: 
There is a $20 sibling discount for every additional sibling who attends camp. This discount is only available for the full week registration not the three day option.

+ Is this a “faith-based” program?

Our campers come from a variety of backgrounds and differing beliefs. Everyone is welcome to attend Kingswood Camp and we do our best to make sure each camper experiences that feeling of welcome.

Kingswood Camp is a Christian summer camp and will incorporate elements of the Christian faith. There will be a Bible study/connection time and Chapel each day. We work very hard to create a non-pressure and invitational environment when talking about topics of faith.

+ Can I send my child mail during their stay at camp?

Absolutely! We actually encourage either e-mails or mail for campers. Campers are always excited to hear from home and have the chance to ‘sing’ for their mail; a fun tradition we have at camp. Please don't actually mail things to the camp. The mail is not checked regularly by the director in the summer. You can however, leave letters with the director, cabin leader or other camp staff during sign in. Please make sure all mail has both the camper's first and last name on it. Do not send snacks!

E-mails can be sent daily. In the subject please write your child’s name and who the e-mail is from. E-mails can be sent to:

Please be sure to send emails for the specific day by 10am. Campers will not receive mail on Friday if the mail is sent after 10am.

Some Tips:

  • Camper mail is delivered once a day, so while your camper may love getting lots of mail, sending multiple messages each day loses it’s impact when it is delivered once daily at mail call.
  • We appreciate your enthusiasm, but please no advance emails for campers.
  • Stay Positive! Comments like “We are having a great time, and we hope you are too! We will see you soon.” are encouraging for kids. Thoughts such as “We miss you and can’t wait for you to come home.” can stir up confusing emotions.
  • This is a poor venue for confidential or bad news. If a sensitive topic (e.g. medical concerns, death of a family member or pet, etc.) needs to be relayed to your camper, please call our office and we can help communicate that to your camper with the sensitivity it deserves

+ Can my child send me an update on how they’re doing while at camp?

Campers will have an opportunity to send an e-mail home to their families during the middle of the week if they wish to do so. We do not encourage or recommend campers to call home during their stay at Kingswood to help them remain fully integrated into the program.

+ What Child Protection Policies do you have in place?

We believe that at camp every child should experience a positive, uplifting, and supportive environment. And we know how much trust parents are placing with us when they send their child to Kingswood. With that in mind Child Protection is something we take very seriously.

At Kingswood Camp Child Protection begins with our hiring process, is prioritized in our staff training, upheld in all activities through the implementation of our policies, and secured through accountability structures. The goal of Child Protection Policies are to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination and violence. Below is a summary of what policies we have in place. If you have any further questions or concerns please contact us.

Hiring: Our staff are chosen after a rigorous application and screening process. During our hiring process we follow up with at minimum three references. And each year our staff and volunteers must submit a Child Abuse Registry check and Criminal Record Checks (for those age 18 and up).

At Staff Training we address the following topics:

  • Raising awareness to the prevalence of childhood sexual or physical abuse as well as the recognition that as a youth serving organizations we are vulnerable to abuse incidents.
  • Training in policies that mitigate the risks of abuse incidents such as the Rule of 3
  • Detailing clear appropriate behaviours and inappropriate behaviours, and instruction around our Code of Conduct
  • Clear outlined steps for how to respond when there is a violation of the Code of Conduct or disclosure of abuse


  • At all times we have in place what we call the ‘Rule of 3’, which maintains that no camper will ever be alone with one other person, rather there must be at least 2 others with a camper. If a 1-on-1 conversation needs to take place or a camper needs some space/alone time it must be done in a public place in view of others such as a picnic table in the field.
  • Cabin leaders should be aware of where their campers are at all times.
  • At the 1st Cabin Meeting Cabin Leaders will address the following points:
    • Making it clear to their campers that the cabin leaders and other staff are there to support them and if they have any questions or concerns about someone’s behaviour, general questions about camp, if they need something, or aren’t feeling well then they can come talk to them
    • Going over the Code of Conduct with their campers and allow time for discussion and questions

Code of Conduct:

All Staff, Volunteers, and Campers at Kingswood Camp are expected to behave in the following ways:


  • Be respectful, cooperative and contribute positively to the experience of everyone at camp.
  • Be careful and considerate that their actions will not hurt another’s feelings or hurt them physically, either intentionally or accidentally.
  • Be respectful of the leader in charge and cooperate with their instructions.
  • Respect the rights and beliefs of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration.


  • Be respectful of all camp property and equipment/supplies.
  • Never mark, deface or destroy camp or personal property or nature.
  • Respect the personal space and property of others: do not touch someone else’s property without permission and do not enter someone else’s bunk space without an invitation (no one is permitted on another’s bunk after lights out)


  • Conduct myself responsibly. Horseplay, inappropriate touching, unwelcome teasing, bullying or other unkind behaviours are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  • Communicate in an appropriate manner, which not using foul language or gestures, harsh words or raising their voice.
  • Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to others. Pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable behaviour.


  • Must wear closed toe shoes at all times except the waterfront.
  • Adhere to all safety rules and regulations given for each activity while participating


  • Wear appropriate clothing and obey the rules around prohibited items (see packing list)
  • Participation is encouraged in all activities but no one is forced to participate. It is the choice of each individual to engage and that choice will be respected.
  • Communicate your needs to others and ask for help (such as health related needs, personal and or emotional security needs, physical needs like food, water, or dry clothing, safety needs, etc.)
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour, such as any behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct, to a staff person/supervisor

If inappropriate behaviour or an issue is reported or a need is made known Kingswood Camp Staff and volunteers are expected to take the following actions:

  • Take the report or stated need seriously; Believe it to be honest
  • Use discretion and maintain confidentiality as much as reasonably possible
  • Take action to assist with or meet the stated need, to resolve the issue presented, and address inappropriate behaviour
  • As needed get additional help to address issues, inappropriate behaviours, or meet a need, where it is deemed to be more severe than typical or escalation is occurring
  • Er on the side of caution when judging the severity of an issue by asking for help or sharing details with appropriate personnel only to receive additional perspective

+ How do you prioritize Safety?

The health and safety of our campers, staff, and volunteers is of upmost importance. At Kingswood we always have a 24-hour-on-call Camp Medic who has training and experience in first aid. The Camp Medic serves from a well-stocked on-site health cabin. In addition, all summer staff are certified in Standard First Aid and CPR C.

At each activity a well-stocked first aid kit is present. Our staff are trained in risk management and facilitate each program and activity with this in mind. We have established safety rules for each activity and all activity leaders undergo training processes and/or certification courses.

An NLS certified Lifeguard is on duty for all waterfront activities. Our Head Lifeguard ensures the environment is maintained and activities are conducted within the Lifesaving Society standards.

Valley Regional Hospital is located within 25 minutes of Kingswood Camp. We also have on-site an AED Defibrillator.

Medical Forms: Please fill out the Medical Information section part of the Registration Form. Please complete this carefully – be sure to include the Health Card # and Expiration Date. Need more space? Please attach a separate piece of paper with additional information for the care of your child while at camp. If there are any changes in the camper’s medical condition after you complete this form, you are responsible to inform the office, in writing, of these changes. Medications: All medications must be handed in on arrival day. Campers may not keep any medications in the cabin. Allowances may be made for puffers and epipens.

+ What is the refund policy?

There is a non-refundable $50 deposit but we will provide a full refund if we need to cancel any program due to guidance from the government regarding covid-19, such as switching our program from Plan A to Plan B.

+ We missed the cut off date for registering for a camp. Is it too late to register?

If you have missed the date for registering for camp, call the camp to check availability and to confirm if you are able to register for that specified camp.

+ How many staff are in a cabin? What is the ratio of campers to staff members?

We always have two paid staff, (Cabin Leaders and Jr Cabin Leaders) in every cabin. The ratio of campers to staff in a cabin can be 6:2, the largest ratio being 12:2. We have 20 paid staff on site throughout the duration of the summer with additional volunteers.

Please note that the ratio of campers to staff may be impacted by covid-19 guidelines in which case the ratio will be a smaller number of campers to each staff.

+ How do I know if my child is successfully registered?

If you register your child online, you will automatically receive an e-mail stating that your registration has been received. Once our Administrative Assistant has reviewed and processed the registration, you will receive a confirmation package by mail or e-mail (depending on the form of communication you chose on the registration form). The confirmation package will state what camp your child is registered for, the dates, and what he/she will be required to bring, including the times for drop off & sign in, and sign out & pick up. Please double check these times and dates prior to your child's camp.

+ Does Kingswood Camp accommodate special dietary needs?

Kingswood does accommodate for special dietary needs. Please make sure these needs are clearly stated on your registration form. In the week leading up to your child’s camp a camp staff may reach out to you with to go over the menu and plan for your child’s dietary needs. If your child drinks soy milk, lactose free milk, gluten free products, spelt bread etc, please pack these and give them to the cook upon registration with your child's name clearly marked on the package.

+ Is there a refund if my child is sent home early from the camp they attend?

There is no refund if a camper is sent home early due to illness or unacceptable behaviour. Only special circumstances will be taken under consideration. Please call the camp if you have any further questions regarding refunds.

+ Do my medications have to be packaged by a pharmacist to be accepted?

We strongly recommend that all medications are packaged by a pharmacist in a blister pack for the duration of their stay at Kingswood. Your local pharmacy will be able to do this for a small fee.

If you opt not to have your pharmacist package your child’s medication it MUST be in their original labeled container. We cannot give medication unlabelled or from miscellaneous containers.

Please note: To ensure the best possible experience for all concerned, children must maintain their normal medication patterns while at camp or, if changing, must have any medication affecting behaviour adjusted by their physician and in effect at least 4 weeks prior to coming to camp.

+ Can my child call home if they are homesick?

We train our staff to be attentive and responsive to the challenge of homesickness. Cabin Leaders will have a number of great strategies to help campers with homesickness. Usually when a homesick campers first asks to call home we try to redirect them towards integration at camp because a call home can exacerbate the situation. However, if a camper persists in asking a 2nd time or is initially inconsolable we do allow campers to call home. We can also arrange with parents a plan to address homesickness that involves calling home or other strategies.

The best strategies to address homesickness begin with preparation at home. If you think your child is likely to struggle with homesickness we would encourage you to check out the following resources:

+ Can I visit my child while they are at camp?

Unfortunately, parents, guardians, families and friends are not allowed to visit their child during their camp stay unless under special circumstances. We try to fully integrate students into the program to the best of our ability, allowing them to be fully engaged in the camp experience and activities that we have to offer.

+ How does Sign In & Drop Off operate at camp?

Read below how Sign In and Drop Off have operated at camp in the past. Things may be impacted by covid-19 guidelines and we will update our process as soon as know we what those guidelines will be.

Kingswood Camp is pleased to offer an expedited registration system for those campers who are paid in full prior to their arrival at camp. Parents and campers will be directed immediately to where their child will be staying for the week without having to stand in line. All miscellaneous loose ends and questions will be answered with the respective Cabin Leader and the sign-in and registration process will be completed at this time.

For those parents and campers with remaining fees still owing, upon arrival, they will make their way to the main lodge where they are asked to stand in a line outside until registration commences. Registration is from 6:30-7:30pm for most camps (Please double check the registration time for the camp in which your child is registered). One at a time, parents with their children will be allowed into the Lodge to walk through the registration line. Please bring any medication with you at this time to hand over to our Administrative Assistant who will lock it in our office/first aid station. Any remaining fees must be paid at this point, the campers are signed in, receipts are given, campers are given their cabin assignments. Campers will meet their Cabin Leaders for the week and Cabin Leaders will help to get their things and help them settle into camp.

+ How does Sign Out & Pick Up work at camp?

Read below how Sign Out and Pick Up have operated at camp in the past. Things may be impacted by covid-19 guidelines and we will update our process as soon as we know what those guidelines will be.

Our closing ceremony starts at 3:15pm and parents and guardians are encouraged to attend. There is a barbecue from 4-4:30pm for campers and families. Please sign them out with their cabin leader in the cabin where they were dropped off between 4-5pm. Don't forget to pick up any medication you sent to camp with your child in the main lodge.

+ Is there financial assistance available?

Through fundraising and the generous support of donors who want to see no camper turned away for financial reasons Kingswood Camp has a financial assistance program. As well as a number of churches have sponsorship programs to help send kids to camp. If you require financial assistance, please fill out the financial assistance form that can be found on our website and send/mail the form to the camp. We do our best to find ways to bring as many kids to camp as possible.

+ Does Kingswood accommodate walk-in registrations?

Kingswood cannot accommodate walk-in registrations on the day of the camp that they wish to attend. Please register before the cut-off date, or call the camp to ask about availability for camps if you have missed that date.

+ Can we come and visit the camp before my child’s registered camp begins?

Absolutely. If having the child come to the camp prior to when their registered camp begins will help to ease anxiety and provide them a smoother transition, we highly recommend this! Please call the camp to set up a time when you may come view the camp property. We will have staff on-site to meet you, as well as provide you with a tour and answer any questions you may have.

+ How can we collect Lost and Found?

All lost and found items are displayed multiple times during the week for the campers to claim. All unclaimed items (with the exception of socks & underwear) are washed and stored until the end of September, at which time we donate them to a local charity. Please call the camp if you have lost an item and we will attempt to locate it and return it to you.

+ Do you have a Camp Store or Tuck?

We do not have a camp store open during the week to campers. Instead we have camp memorabilia and clothing available for sale during Sign In and Sign Out in the Main Lodge. Prices range from $3-$40.

We do have Tuck at Kingswood - a camp traditional name for candy and treats. Tuck is included in registration cost so parents do not need to worry about providing extra funds for these treats. If you have concerns over Tuck please contact us and we can create more customized Tuck options.

For Family Camp our Tuck works a little differently. During arrival families will deposit money for Tuck into a debit account and campers can go order Tuck during open hours. Tuck items range in price from $1-$3. At the end of the camp any money remaining on account will be returned.

+ What is on the Menu?

Our trained and certified kitchen staff can’t wait to serve up a delicious meal for our campers! At Kingswood Camp we strive to serve healthy and delicious home-style meals. Vegetarian and gluten free options can be provided, and we seek to meet special dietary needs. Many parents are concerned that their kids aren’t going to like camp food, we understand. Most of our meals are served with customization options so that each camper can choose what is on their plate.

*Kingswood Camp strives to be a 100% nut free facility – meaning all of our meals are prepared with ingredients that contain no nuts and are from nut free facilities.

Here is a sample Menu:


  • Hashbrown casserole
  • Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes
  • Cereal & milk, yogurt, fresh fruit, hardboiled eggs


  • Pizza and veggies sticks
  • Chicken finger wraps and salad
  • Sandwiches and soup


  • Cheesy spinach lasagna, garlic bread, and salad
  • Sweet and sour meatballs, veggies, rice
  • Burrito bowls (ground beef, beans, veggies, rice, salsa, sour cream, and cheese)


  • Popcorn
  • S’mores
  • Oat Cakes

+ What are the behavioural expectations?

Kingswood Camp strives to resolve behavioural problems with campers promptly and effectively but reserves the right to dismiss a camper for behavioural problems at the discretion of the Directors. No refund will be made for dismissals due to disciplinary action. Parents will be responsible for the removal of the camper due to dismissal. The camp staff will give campers ample warning about inappropriate behaviour and, if the behaviour is not deemed too extreme, the camper will be given 3 opportunities to correct the behaviour (parent or guardian will be called at this time).

Code of Conduct:

All Staff, Volunteers, and Campers at Kingswood Camp are expected to behave in the following ways:


  • Be respectful, cooperative and contribute positively to the experience of everyone at camp.
  • Be careful and considerate that their actions will not hurt another’s feelings or hurt them physically, either intentionally or accidentally.
  • Be respectful of the leader in charge and cooperate with their instructions.
  • Respect the rights and beliefs of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration.


  • Be respectful of all camp property and equipment/supplies.
  • Never mark, deface or destroy camp or personal property or nature.
  • Respect the personal space and property of others: do not touch someone else’s property without permission and do not enter someone else’s bunk space without an invitation (no one is permitted on another’s bunk after lights out)


  • Conduct myself responsibly. Horseplay, inappropriate touching, unwelcome teasing, bullying or other unkind behaviours are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  • Communicate in an appropriate manner, which not using foul language or gestures, harsh words or raising their voice.
  • Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to others. Pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable behaviour.


  • Must wear closed toe shoes at all times except the waterfront.
  • Adhere to all safety rules and regulations given for each activity while participating


  • Wear appropriate clothing and obey the rules around prohibited items (see packing list)
  • Participation is encouraged in all activities but no one is forced to participate. It is the choice of each individual to engage and that choice will be respected.
  • Communicate your needs to others and ask for help (such as health related needs, personal and or emotional security needs, physical needs like food, water, or dry clothing, safety needs, etc.)
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour, such as any behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct, to a staff person/supervisor

If inappropriate behaviour or an issue is reported or a need is made known Kingswood Camp Staff and volunteers are expected to take the following actions:

  • Take the report or stated need seriously; Believe it to be honest
  • Use discretion and maintain confidentiality as much as reasonably possible
  • Take action to assist with or meet the stated need, to resolve the issue presented, and address inappropriate behaviour
  • As needed get additional help to address issues, inappropriate behaviours, or meet a need, where it is deemed to be more severe than typical or escalation is occurring
  • Er on the side of caution when judging the severity of an issue by asking for help or sharing details with appropriate personnel only to receive additional perspective

+ What is on the packing list?

Packing list:

  • Bedding: twin size sheet, sleeping bag, pillow
  • Various Footwear: sneakers required for games and zipline, boots for rain, and sandals for the beach
  • Clothing: for all weather cool or hot, dry or wet! Clothes that can get dirty, a sun hat, bathing suit, pants, shorts, socks, undergarments, etc. Fancier clothing for the end of week banquet.
  • Toiletries: Soap, shampoo, facecloth, 2 towels (beach and bathroom), tooth brush, tooth paste
  • Sunscreen and Bugspray
  • Water bottle
  • Bible, pen or pencil, notebook

** Please make sure your items are labelled

Do not bring:

  • Cell Phones: camp policy is to confiscate cell phones and store them in the office until camp ends, failure to comply will result in the camper being sent home
  • Food, snacks, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs
  • Personal valuables or money (electronics, iPad, jewellery, etc.)
  • Perfume or Cologne
  • Clothing that is not well suited for high levels of activity (bikini, thin strap or low cut tops, etc.)
  • Clothing with profane or offensive messages or with references to drugs or alcohol

+ Plan B (Day Camps): What happens if it rains?

Parents are encouraged to check the weather and pack accordingly. In the event of light rain, the outdoor fun does not stop. However if the weather does not cooperate we will have indoor spaces to shelter and remain physically distant. If the weather forecast looks like it will prevent us from continuing we may cancel and will provide a refund for the day.

+ Plan B (Day Camps): Isn’t that a far drive?

Yes it's definitely further than the local municipal day camps - but what we have to offer is worth it! Municipal day camps aren't easily able to offer things like canoeing, bouldering, archery, waterfront beach, or an immersive nature experience, all alongside the creative programming and activities Kingswood is known for. Sadly we do know that for some of our usual campers the drive out to camp will be too much for a day camp.

+ Plan B (Day Camps): Can I choose which 3 days my child attends if we opt for the 3 day option?

Yes, you will be able to choose which days your child attends, however, space for each day is limited and assigned on a first come first served basis. If you are flexible with which days work well, please let us know so that we can maximize the limited spaces that we have. While we would love to see all the campers for the full week, we know that the 3 day option may work best for some families. Those that attend the 3 day option may miss out on certain activities, but each individual day is packed with all it’s own fun!